When was the last time your patience was tested? Not waiting for the stoplight to turn green or waiting your turn in line at the drive-thru coffee stand, but truly endured through a lengthy season of patience?
Currently, many of us are in a season of forbearance that has no predictable end. COVID has swept the globe, racial tensions are stirring emotions, and a heated political presidential election is around the corner. When we live in a culture that is quick-paced, get-results-now, microwave, high-speed, we don’t want to be inconvenienced and we definitely want to know the outcome in a neat Pinterest-worthy box. Tidy, neat, predictable and uncomplicated. But God did not say life was going to be neat and tidy…

A season of patience
We may not like it and it may seem unjust, but we know how the story ends! In the Bible we read that Job was tested and the enemy assaulted him from all sides, destroying his children, servants, home, livestock, wealth, and anything else that was going well for him. Why would He do that to Job, you may ask. God knew Job’s heart and knew he was patient and loyal. He knew no matter the storm that rages upon him, he would remain faithful. When everything was stripped away, Job knew he still had God. Not even the clever enemy could take that away from him!
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
A time to prune
This phase can help teach us what is truly important in our lives. Maybe we’ve come to idolize certain things that are interrupted during this time. Such as, sports, work, or even our own self-image. Let the excess fall away. Let the distractions and pride fade. This is a pruning process that is trimming away dead branches and plucking that drags us down and no longer serves us. This is the fruit of God’s pruning process and promotes healthy fruit to grow instead. As a result, we get stronger and kind, yet resilient, and patient.
Keep your eye on the prize
We can either focus on what we don’t have or we can choose to focus on what we do have and what we can control. Our eternity with Him is the focus and primary motivation. How we choose to respond is critical. No matter what, we have our faith.
So as the world rages on, remain strong. When the news spews negative reports, stay positive. When everything seems discouraging, depressing, and disappointing, take your worries to Him.
Trust God no matter what happens.
How will you remain patience during this season?
“But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last.” Job 19:25